Survey Software and DIY Programmes | Lightstone

Survey Software
and DIY Programmes

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MyEcho is a user-friendly survey software that gathers feedback from customers, employees, partners, and online forms.

It adapts to your needs, whether you require quick surveys or customised solutions. With seamless integration, MyEcho automates surveys to reach your customers and partners at different stages.

How does MyEcho work?

Each respondent receives a unique survey link via email, customisable with your message, logo, and subject line.

Send personalised survey links via SMS to recipients.

A link for unlimited survey completions, shareable via email, website, or social media.

Share survey links on platforms like Facebook, X, and WhatsApp.

Print QR codes for easy survey access by scanning with mobile phones.

Schedule or automate survey distribution.

Send reminders to non-respondents for survey completion.

Enhance your surveys


Select industry-specific templates for quick survey creation.


Customise surveys with themes, logos, backgrounds, and colors.


Enable anonymous responses for more candid feedback and better response rates.


Create dynamic surveys by showing relevant questions based on earlier responses.


Use survey tags to automatically include personalised details like customer names in questions.

Efficient Reporting Features:

Instant Access: View real-time results promptly.

Visual Dashboard: Interpret responses visually with clear graphs and charts.

Export Function: Easily export data to Excel for customised analysis.

Response Categorisation: Convert open-ende feedback into categorised responses for focused evaluation.

Email Alerts: Receive immediate notifications for survey submissions or specific respondent answers.

Accessible Support Options:

  • Support Team: Reach out for help via email, online chat, phone, or virtual consultations based on your package.
  • Self-Service: Access video tutorials for independent assistance.
  • Additional Services: Opt for survey building or full project management based on your requirements. Contact us for detail.
MyEcho Pricing and features

Sign Up
Engage (Trial)
2 weeks - trail

Sign Up
R395 p/m

Sign Up
From R995 p/m

Sign Up
Email Surveys 1 000 20 000 20 000 50 000
Web Surveys Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
SMS Surveys None 50 100 p/m* 200 p/m*

Sign Up
Engage (Trial)
2 weeks - trail

Sign Up
R395 p/m

Sign Up
From R995 p/m

Sign Up
Number of responses 100 per survey 500 1000 p/m* Unlimited
Questions per survey 10 Questions Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Survey Templates Max 10 questions By Industry By Industry By Industry
Page skip logic
Custom Welcome and Complete message
Question Types 14 14 14 14
Preview survey
Edit font/style/text colour
Custom Variable Mapping 3 Standard 3 Standard + 10 Custom 3 Standard + 10 Custom 3 Standard + 10 Custom
Custom SMS & Email Wording Email only
Progress Bar

Sign Up
Engage (Trial)
2 weeks - trail

Sign Up
R395 p/m

Sign Up
From R995 p/m

Sign Up
Scheduling/ Automation
Test surveys
Reminder Emails
Reminder SMSs Included in SMS Bundle
Escalated responses/email notifications Advanced Escalations
PDF Survey Download

Sign Up
Engage (Trial)
2 weeks - trail

Sign Up
R395 p/m

Sign Up
From R995 p/m

Sign Up
Add your logo 1 Logo (Company) Logo per survey Logo per survey Logo per survey
Themes 10 10 10 10
Customise background image
Customise colours
Remove MyEcho footer on survey
White label surveys

Sign Up
Engage (Trial)
2 weeks - trail

Sign Up
R395 p/m

Sign Up
From R995 p/m

Sign Up
Real time results
Filters Basic Custom Custom Custom
Trend graphs (Coming soon)
Drill down on charts
Different chart types
View all results Only first 100 responses
Data Export - Pdf, Excel, CSV
Cross Tabulation
Downloadable graphs & tables
Record of time taken to complete survey
Data Quality Report
Custom Reporting (Public Program) Available P.O.A
Custom Reporting (Private Program) Available P.O.A

Sign Up
Engage (Trial)
2 weeks - trail

Sign Up
R395 p/m

Sign Up
From R995 p/m

Sign Up
Online Chat
Email Support 24 hrs Priority Email Support Priority Email Support Priority Email Support
Phone Support Upgrade Upgrade Upgrade
Private Account Manager
OTHER Explore

Sign Up
Engage (Trial)
2 weeks - trail

Sign Up
R395 p/m

Sign Up
From R995 p/m

Sign Up
Multi-user 1 Master User 1 Master User 1 Master User & 1 Member User 1 Master User & 1 Member User
Compatible with all devices
Anonymous surveys

Sign Up
Engage (Trial)
2 weeks - trail

Sign Up
R395 p/m

Sign Up
From R995 p/m

Sign Up
Manual list creation
Upload contact lists
Manage contact lists
Multiple contact lists

MyEcho Frequently Asked Questions
  • Subscription Billing: Services are charged in advance on a recurring monthly basis.
  • Automatic Renewal: Your subscription renews at the end of each cycle unless downgraded via your account or by contacting support.
  • Downgrade Option: You can downgrade anytime, with the subscription running until the end of the current cycle.
  • Immediate Downgrade: Opt to downgrade right after starting the subscription to prevent automatic renewal.

Yes, you can try before you buy!

  1. Free Option: Sign up for our Explore package at no cost.
  2. Free Trial: Experience our Engage package with a 2-week trial period.

Survey participation works as follows:

  • Participation is unpaid: Surveys on MyEcho do not offer compensation.
  • Surveys are controlled by the creator: The Survey Creator manages and oversees the surveys.

Available resources:

  1. Survey Templates: Access industry-specific templates for customised surveys
  2. Email Support: Reach out to support at [email protected] for assistance.
  3. Online Chat: Chat with us during business hours via the 'Talk to Us' button in your account.
  4. Video Tutorials: Watch helpful video tutorials located at the top-right corner of your account.

MyEcho supports the latest web browsers. We use some of the newest web technologies, which many older browsers do not support. Here are our recommended browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 10+
  • FireFox 25+
  • Chrome 23+
  • Android 4.4+

No, we do not sell any databases. MyEcho requires you to have your own distribution lists with consent from the recipients to process their personal information.

Do you want to know more about MyEcho?

Email Lightstone and an expert consultant will be in touch with more information.

Did you know that by contacting all your customers before the official CSI survey is conducted, you can identify problems, discuss any frustration customers may have experienced, turn an unhappy customer into a happy customer or simply close any outstanding matters that your customer would like to address?

Enhance Customer Experience with Pre-CSI Interaction:

Prior contact with customers allows for issue identification, addressing frustrations, and resolving concerns.

This proactive approach aims to transform dissatisfied customers into satisfied ones and resolve any pending issues, ultimately leading to improved CSI scores during the official survey.

Why Dealer PreCSI?

Streamlined Workflow

Consolidate PreCSI tasks in one platform.

Automated Call List

Import daily call lists and connect them to interview scripts effortlessly.

Efficient Escalation

Quickly route negative feedback to the appropriate parties using the built-in escalation tool.

Closure and Follow-Up

Ensure resolution by updating interview statuses and closing the feedback loop.

Collaborative Access

Grant relevant team members access to view, handle, and monitor responses effectively.

How does it work?

With a structured approach from Day Zero to Day Five, customer satisfaction is at the forefront of every interaction.

Marks the initial interaction between the customer and the dealer.

Data becomes accessible to Lightstone through the Dealer Management System, automatically importing into the PreCSI Programme.

Manual upload is an option if data isn't transmitted to Lightstone.

Customer follow-up begins. Interviews are accessible under the 'Interviews' tab. A dealer representative contacts clients to gauge satisfaction and records relevant comments. Lightstone can handle this step if preferred, with additional charges.

Escalation Process: In the event of negative feedback, interviews appear in the 'Complaints' tab for escalation. The dealer representative forwards these to the appropriate person for resolution.

Action Phase: The service manager or advisor receives an email alert, logs into the platform, and contacts the customer to address the issue promptly.

Review Stage: Dealer representatives or designated personnel can log in to track interview statuses - whether escalated or resolved.

Marks the official CSI calling, ensuring a comprehensive customer interaction process.

From only R499 per dealer package per month.

Get started

Step 1:

Sign up to MyEcho Empower

Step 2:

Make payment

Step 3:

Register for the Dealer PreCSI programme (Take note of the billing information)

Step 4:

Lightstone will receive a notification and contact you to complete the onboarding process.

Do you want to know more about Dealer PreCSI?

Email Lightstone and an expert consultant will be in touch with more information.

Lightstone’s Employee Pulse is a short survey designed to give you a snapshot of staff morale and satisfaction.

Why Employee Pulse?
  • Survey Options: Collect feedback via SMS, email, or a combination for optimal response rates.
  • Customisation: Tailor open-ended questions to suit your business needs or include custom queries.
  • Scheduled Surveys: Easily schedule pulse surveys in advance for regular employee feedback.
  • Real-time Insights: Receive recurrent, real-time feedback for immediate action and valuable insights
  • Performance Tracking: Monitor performance trends to detect shifts in employee morale across divisions or regions.

How It Works

Step 1:

Automated surveys are dispatched regularly for employees to rate their experience.

Step 2:

Access immediate results via an online dashboard, shareable with your team.

Step 3:

Analyse feedback to address employee concerns effectively.

Employee Pulse Benefits
  • Safe Environment: Anonymity in surveys creates a safe space for honest feedback.
  • Instant Data: Prompt data from pulse surveys aids in targeted operational enhancements.
  • Transparency: Shareable reports foster transparency, fostering employee engagement.
  • Insight Discovery: Continuous feedback collection uncovers valuable employee experience insights.
  • Employee Motivation: Engage employees through pulse surveys, encouraging suggestions for improvement.

Please note that you get a monthly SMS credits top-up (in addition to the 200 Empower credits) which is equal to the higher end of your employee bracket size. You are not limited on email distribution numbers.

Number of employees Price (VAT Incl)
Up to 100 R995,00
101 to 200 R1 500,00
201 to 300 R2 100,00
301 to 400 R2 600,00
401 to 500 R3 000,00
501 to 600 R3 500,00
601 to 700 R3 800,00
701 to 800 R4 100,00
801 to 900 R4 500,00
901 to 1000 R4 700,00
1001 to 1500 R6 700,00
1501 to 2000 R8 500,00
2001 to 2500 R10 200,00
2501 to 3000 R11 800,00
3001 to 3500 R13 300,00
3501 to 4000 R14 700,00

Get started

Step 1:

Sign up to MyEcho Empower

Step 2:

Make payment

Step 3:

Register for the Employee Pulse programme

Step 4:

Indicate your number of employees

Step 5:

Start sending surveys

Do you want to know more about Employee Pulse?

Email Lightstone and an expert consultant will be in touch with more information.

Broker TCF Programme Overview

Purpose: The Broker TCF (Treating Customers Fairly) program assesses service levels and customer satisfaction for policyholders.

Inquiry Process: TCF and FAIS (Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services) regulation queries are posed and verified during the process to aid in compliance record-keeping.

Why choose Broker TCF?
  • Customisation: Tailor surveys by disabling irrelevant questions and adding two custom queries for benchmarking flexibility.
  • Prompt Notifications: Receive instant email alerts for negative feedback, enabling quick resolution and customer satisfaction.
  • Integration: Seamless integration with Cardinal and MMX systems enables automated surveys at various broker-customer interactions.
  • Real-time Feedback: Obtain useful, frequent feedback for immediate action on valuable insights.
  • Performance Monitoring: Track customer satisfaction trends over time, benchmarking against industry standards and operational categories for informed decision-making.

How it works

Step 1:

The interaction with customer takes place and concludes.

Step 2:

A SMS is sent directly to the customer containing a link to provide feedback relating to their experience.

Step 3:

Your customer completes an online survey providing feedback (positive or negative) relating to their unique experience.

Step 4:

Customer feedback is made available online allowing your business to address any concerns as soon as possible.

Benefits of Broker TCF
Enhanced Business Insight
  1. Performance Evaluation: Analyse customer feedback post-interactions to assess team, broker, and operational performance effectively.
  2. Boost Loyalty: Enhance long-term loyalty by gathering feedback across touchpoints to address individual concerns, fostering resolution and loyalty.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Adhere to regulations like 'Treating the Customer Fairly,' emphasising customer-centric approaches to showcase and gauge your brand's customer focus.


Number of interactions Price (VAT Incl)
0 - 1000 R995,00
1001 - 1500 R1 500,00
1501 - 3000 R2 200,00
3001 - 4000 R2 900,00
4001 - 5000 R3 600,00
5001 - 6000 R4 300,00
6001 - 7000 R5 000,00
7001 - 8000 R5 700,00
8001 - 9000 R6 400,00
9001 - 10 000 R7 100,00
10 001 + POA

Get started

Step 1:

Sign up to MyEcho Empower

Step 2:

Make payment

Step 3:

Register for the Broker TCF programme

Step 4:

Complete the registration form

Step 5:

Start sending surveys

Do you want to know more about Broker TCF?

Email Lightstone and an expert consultant will be in touch with more information.

Empowering leaders with feedback

Continuous Improvement: Enlightened leaders stand out by valuing knowledge and genuine, precise feedback. Lightstone's Enlightened Leaders tool serves as a valuable organisational resource, offering leaders ongoing feedback from employees, peers, and superiors.

Enhanced Leadership with Enlightened Leaders

  • Efficient Workflow: Simply upload your contact list and initiate your survey with ease using our streamlined process.
  • Assessment Range: Evaluate leadership qualities based on 41 attributes crucial for effective leadership.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Utilise a Bayesian multinomial model to offer precise estimates on the significance of each leadership attribute, along with interactive graphs and insightful commentary.

How it works

Phase 1:

Participants receive a survey focusing on 41 key attributes, aiming to understand the importance of these traits to them.

Phase 2:

Leaders distribute surveys to their team, evaluating them on the same attributes. Feedback from Phase 1 aids in interpreting Phase 2 results, guiding personal development and future leadership behavior.

Benefits of Enlightened Leaders

  1. Identify Values: Recognise what holds significance for those you engage with, optimising time investment effectively.
  2. Self-Awareness: Embrace strengths and weaknesses to exude confidence and fortitude as an enlightened leader.
  3. Development Focus: Prioritise growth opportunities and leadership skills based on received feedback, fostering continuous learning and effective leadership.


From only R995 per month.
Includes one free report per month; R995 for every additional report.

Get started

Step 1:

Sign up to MyEcho Empower

Step 2:

Every user on Empower gets free access to the programme.

Step 3:

You get free access to send the Phase 1 and Phase 2 surveys.

Step 4:

You are only charged for each leader report (Phase 2 report), which is R995 per report.

Step 5:

Every month you will receive one free token (token = Phase 2 report) starting from the first full billing month.

Do you want to know more about Enlightened Leaders?

Email Lightstone and an expert consultant will be in touch with more information.

iX Online Motoring