Latest client survey reveals improvement in NPS score and value delivery
Recently Lightstone Auto conducted its bi-annual client satisfaction survey. This survey not only aims to identify areas where we can improve processes and products to meet client needs, it also measures and tracks Lightstone Auto’s Net Promoter Score (NPS) – the global standard in measuring and benchmarking client experience.
The survey is a key indicator for Lightstone Auto as it gauges how we’re performing in the eyes of our clients. We value this feedback as it ensures that we continuously improve and deliver on our client promise.

Since our last survey in March, we’re pleased to report that our NPS score is up by 13% with our latest score at 64.96%.

Importantly we have not only seen an increase in promoters (clients who will keep purchasing our products and tell others about us) but have also seen a decrease in detractors (dissatisfied clients).
Net Promoter Score: March vs September

Bain & Company (the creators of NPS) note that a NPS score above 50 is excellent and above 80 is world class. According to aggregated data, the average Net Promoter Scores for B2B industries range from 25 to 68.
Making it easier, adding value
As a business we aim to simplify the complex, especially as we journey with our clients in a very complex environment.
Along with measuring our NPS score, we also delve deeper to understand how we can make it easier for clients to do business with us. We still have room for improvement in this regard and encourage clients to keep giving us constructive feedback.
Ease of doing business with Lightstone

When it comes to creating value, we’re performing well with an average score of 90.84%, which is an improvement on the 86.08% that we achieved in 2021.
Value of Lightstone Auto systems

Thank you to all our clients who participated in the survey. As Fred Reichheld says “It’s not the score that matters it’s what you do with it”, and at Lightstone Auto we use this feedback to inform how we innovate and improve our service. We will continue to focus on providing valuable solutions that solve real-world problems and help build long-term value.
Looking ahead we aim to simplify processes and make it easier to interact with our products with the launch of our marketplace, where clients will be able to access all Lightstone products as well as other valuable third-party products through a single-interface with a single-sign-on solution. This is an exciting initiative coming soon in 2023.