Dealership Services | Lightstone

Dealership Services

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At Lightstone, we collaborate with major dealerships nationwide, comprehending their specific requirements.

We have crafted a variety of solutions to support motor dealerships in nurturing customer relationships, enhancing efficiency in F&I services, and effectively managing substantial risks.


Signio stands as Lightstone's premier online platform tailored for the motor industry. This innovative platform offers electronic workflow and signature solutions that securely automate the Vehicle and Asset Finance (VAF) and insurance processes.

Lightstone's expert F&I team, Lightstone Risk Management, offers nationwide dealer compliance services with the support of the Signio platform. They assist dealers in securing optimal deals for customers directly with banks.

At the contractual stage, Lightstone Risk Management discusses FAIS regulated insurance products with customers, ensuring compliance and streamlining paperwork through recorded calls.

Their finance and insurance managers minimise financial transaction risks, enhancing customer satisfaction. Compliance procedures are managed in a call center setting, with calls logged for easy dealer access. External compliance officers conduct regular quality checks.

Explore tailored services for your dealership:
  • Comprehensive management of finance processes.
  • Expert navigation through Signio for transparent tracking.
  • Includes application processing, contract management, compliance oversight, and payout coordination.
Other service options:
  • FAIS Compliance: Focuses on regulated VAP compliance.
  • F&I Relief Services: Flexible support for full F&I and FAIS compliance.
  • Cash Transaction Compliance Service: Ensures cash VAP compliance.

Do you want to subscribe to F&I Services?

Email Lightstone and an expert consultant will be in touch with more information.

Lightstone's eCompliance solution is a flexible online auditing system tailored to support motor dealerships and Financial Services Providers (FSPs) in risk management.

This automated compliance tool minimises manual tasks and streamlines the auditing of deal files. Customise eCompliance's auditing questionnaires to meet your specific compliance needs.

In addition to auditing, eCompliance offers regulatory and non-regulatory training for your staff within the system. Accessible training modules are centralised, making it simple to manage and record all training activities.

Discover the benefits of Lightstone's eCompliance for efficient risk management and compliance in your dealership or financial services setting.

Learn more about eCompliance

Do you want to subscribe to eCompliance?

Email Lightstone and an expert consultant will be in touch with more information.

Looking for a cost-effective and thorough Know Your Customer (KYC) solution for identity proofing and verification?

Lightstone's KYC solutions offer F&I managers the ability to quickly obtain and verify customer identification in under a minute during onboarding.

Learn how Lightstone's KYC solutions streamline fraud prevention and simplify KYC processes in your dealership through this brief explainer and training video:

Which Lightstone KYC option is right for your dealership?

Choose between StayContactable or Curata, both trusted Know Your Customer products:

StayContactable offers a range of valuable features:
  • End-to-end technology solutions for individuals and compliance needs.
  • Access to diverse portals, AI validation, screening tools, and data integration.
  • Unified customer view and "once FICA'd always FICA'd" capability.
  • Adaptable solutions without geographic constraints.
  • Flexible technology integration, cloud-based or local hosting based on preferences.
  • Comprehensive identity proofing and verification capabilities.
Key Features Include:
  • HANIS-based ID image validation.
  • ID document validation and barcode scanning.
  • Proof of address verification sourced or uploaded by the customer.
Curata offers a range of benefits:
  • Protection against identity theft and fraud, streamlining credit applications.
  • Creation of a digital identity cross-checked with the National Population Register.
  • Full compliance with POPI and ISO 30170 PAD standards.
Key Features Include:
  • Digital identity application enabling biometrically authenticated consent and access to personal identifying information (POID).
  • Facial recognition matching for identity verification, including biometric checks against national registry data.
  • Ensures accountability and instills confidence in financial institutions regarding securely verified applicant information and genuine identity confirmation.

Do you want to subscribe to KYC?

Email Lightstone and an expert consultant will be in touch with more information.

Simplify the signature process with Lightstone's Digital Signing Solutions (DSS).

DSS enables convenient signing of VAP documents on a mobile device or through a One Time Pin, ensuring a seamless experience for both you and your customer. Once the signatures are complete, the signed documents will be accessible in Signio, with the customer promptly receiving a copy via email.

Watch this video to learn about Lightstone’s Digital Signing Solution:
Key Advantages of this contactless signing solution include:
  • Choosing the signing sequence between F&I and the customer
  • Allowing signatories to sign remotely using their smartphone
  • Providing the option for unique One Time Pin signatures
  • Offering continuous visibility for customers to access their preferred VAP product anytime, anywhere.

Do you want to subscribe to DSS?

Email Lightstone and an expert consultant will be in touch with more information.

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